Sunday, August 28, 2011

September is the month to join the season extention...

Shareholders if you have not signed up and want to go for an extra 4 weeks of fall produce now is the time to let us know here at the farm.

Winter squash, leeks, sweet potatoes, potatoes, cabbage, swiss chard, onions, lettuce, pie pumkins, brussel sprouts and gourds are included in the extention.

Emu update..........

check out how big Larry, Curley and Moe have gotten....had to take the pic from outside the cage because they kept pecking the camera lens!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes!

Our shareholders got many different types of heirloom tomatoes this week. They included Garden Peach, Jubilee, Black Krim, Sunkist, Moskivich, Sun Dried and Yellow Perfection, along with thier Swiss Chard, Cucumbers, Eggplant, Summer Squash, Peppers and Okra.