It's sad to see the season end. We have missed our weekly visits with our shareholders. It's been a great season, minus a few weather problems but that's farming. We loved being your farmers and watching you dig into your boxes, like one shareholder said it was like Christmas every week. We are already looking forward to next years season. We are
buzy pulling the plants from the field, spreading compost, picking newly emerged rocks from the field, planting cover crops, weeding the brambles and getting the greenhouses ready for winter production. Judy and I are attending seminars for growers during the winter months to learn all that we can learn to be better growers. Seed
catalogs are already starting to arrive. We will be posting information joining for the 2010 season both on the website and our blog shortly. We have decided to add a limited amount of new shares for the next season. If anyone knows of anyone that would like to join please have them contact us as soon as possible, for we have already filled half on the spots that we have
opened up. We are excited to announce that we will be adding HONEY to our
CSA offerings in 2010 at no extra cost to our shareholders. We are also looking into adding eggs. That will bring back
allot of memories.....for that was one of my jobs growing up feeding the chickens and gathering the eggs!
We are also thinking about having a Spring Blessings of the Fields.
Thanks to all of you for returning your surveys, they will help us serve you better in the coming season.